ICBA believes strongly that the current, First Past The Post, method of electing MLAs is far superior to the three proportional representations systems being suggested by NDP Attorney General David Eby. For the sake of political and economic stability, we suggest BC voters vote to stop prop rep in this fall’s referendum.
More details, and a deeper analysis of the issues, will come shortly from ICBA, but, in the meantime:
Read this piece, by ICBA’s Jordan Bateman and Kwantlen Polytechnic University poli sci professor Shinder Purewal, opposing the prop rep referendum process, which has been skewed by David Eby to try and sneak this radical change through.
Or this one, by Vaughn Palmer, looking at how Eby is “stacking the deck”.
Or this analysis by Keith Baldrey, which looks at how the power in this new system will be given to party bosses.
Or think about how it will diminish the voice of B.C. communities outside the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. Places like Cariboo North & Chilcotin, Columbia River-Revelstoke-Kootenay East, Kelowna West-Fraser Nicola, Kootenay West-Nelson-Creston, Peace River North & South, Prince George-Valemount-Mackenzie, Skeena-North Coast, and Stikine-Nechako Lakes.
We’ve also challenged the entire process in court, as we believe it’s unconstitutional and violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. See our court filing here.
100% AGAINST Proportional Representation – am 100% in FAVOR of retaining the First-Past-the Post method.
against/// retain the way things are.//// another NWO try at messing things up
You guys should explain how both systems work and why one’s better