Jordan Bateman, Author at ICBA - Page 20 of 97

GUEST PIECE: A Construction Cost Consultant Looks at John Horgan’s Out-of-Date Labour Deal

By Denis Walsh, who has practiced construction cost consulting for more than 40 years.

The NDP-Union plan to ‘prioritize local hirings’, ‘other hiring mandates’ and ‘have more opportunity for apprenticeship training’ will add significantly to project costs: productivity down/costs up. They have imposed a new engineering discipline on infrastructure projects: ‘social engineering’.

The ‘Community benefit agreement’ for the Pattullo Bridge and other projects will come with a big price tag. The amount will depend on the implementation by the bureaucratic administrators. Contractors are currently suffering from ‘regulation burn-out’ as a result of the overwhelming burden of regulations from all levels of government. It has increased relentlessly over the past twenty years with a corresponding increase in construction cost. This new set of regulations is Trumpian in its audacity. The cost increase will match the audaciousness of the regulations.

The Island Highway model of the ’90s has long ago reached its ‘best before’ date. It is incompatible with the modern construction industry. Contractors are now comprised of teams of highly qualified professionals. The increase of specialization has resulted in an ever larger number of subcontractors and suppliers. It is now an industry dominated by small business. They are not receptive to government interference that increases their costs and paperwork especially after last year’s battle with the Federal Government against its tax changes.

General Contractors operate both as professional consultants and construction managers. Few have large workforces hired directly. Subcontracting is standard practice. General Contractors are increasingly brought on board at the design stage as part of the project team. Their fees are often negotiated and they manage bids from subcontractors and suppliers on behalf of the owner. Your approach to bids is not applicable to many specialized projects that demand input from Contractors from the conceptual stage of a project.

This contractor expertise is in high demand and very mobile both nationally and to the US. It could result in reverse discrimination: non-union contractors and their highly qualified staff may boycott your projects. The flight of this expertise from BC could be an unintended consequence.

Contractors and subcontractors maintain their own teams and work crews on a permanent basis. Hiring is done online, through personnel agencies or, for the larger firms, their own human resources department. The modern tradesperson is educated, with specialist training and is computer literate. The use of mobile devices on construction sites is now widespread. Also, specialist crews service more than one site. Transition between union and non-union sites would complicate this process.

The Horgan government intends to insert itself between the contractor and his workforce. The government will set wage rates and severely restrict the make-up of the workforce. This is gross interference in the construction process and will seriously damage it. Horgan will have partly removed cost competition from the labour component of projects. The cost consequences of this non-competitive element will only be known after the fact. Only a government with an endless supply of taxpayer dollars would even contemplate it. It could also put the quality and safety of the end product at risk while transferring the legal liability to the government.

Taking the above into account, I would caution that John Horgan’s labour model is out of sync with the realities of the modern construction industry. It may not be workable. The industry has changed a lot in the past 25 years. The term ‘hiring hall’ is now an anachronism.

Timing is a crucial factor in the construction market. Construction prices have spiked in the past year. The industry is busy. This reality will complicate the implementation of this new policy. My current public sector clients are having difficulty finding quality contractors and subcontractors to build their projects at a reasonable cost. This policy, in the current construction market climate, will make their job harder and blow their budgets out of the water.

For major infrastructure projects such as the Pattullo Bridge, innovative project delivery methods such as public/private partnerships can produce huge cost and schedule savings. The potential savings would enable you to do more with your capital funds. The trend in the industry has been to transfer cost risk from the government to the Private Sector with a resultant cost saving. This policy would reverse that trend and return risk and cost back to the government and the taxpayer.

Even for smaller projects such as schools, exploring different project delivery methods is now common because a ‘one-size fits all’ approach is considered ‘old thinking’. School districts have to maximize what they buy for their construction dollar. This policy would box them in and force them to pay more and get less.

Regarding Horgan’s ‘union-only’ plan: as a general guide, anytime a client restricts supply, the price increases. The government’s new restrictions go way beyond ‘union-only’: they almost nationalize the workforce. This will have a huge negative impact on construction cost: inflexibility = higher cost is an established fact in the industry.

For the potential cost impact, I can only give you my ‘gut feeling’ based on my experience with similar policies in the 90ies. I suggest that you plan for an increase of 10% to 20% on all projects affected by this policy. The actual increase will vary on a project by project basis.. For the Pattullo Bridge, I suggest that you pencil in an increased budget – say a range of $1.5 to $2 billion for now based on the assumption that the old budget of $1.4 billion was doable under the old rules – often a rash assumption with high-profile public projects.

Implementation will be important. If poorly implemented, this could result in high volatility in bid prices. Poor bid responses for the affected projects could result in project delays, re-bidding and even mothballing of much needed projects.

Over a three year period, this policy, depending on the scope and implementation, could absorb one to three billion dollars of the government’s capital funds. There is a high risk that this amount could increase dramatically due to current heated market conditions, poor implementation or a negative response from non-union contractors. It is a policy with a very high cost risk.

Taxpayers will have to open the funding floodgates and pour extra money into these projects or the system will seize up. Those involved in maintaining capital budgets are in for some sleepless nights: it will make every project to which it applies instantly over budget and they will not have a clue how to arrive at the right budget because it is a new and untried policy for most contractors. This is how the construction market works: new and untested = uncertainty = higher cost risk = higher bid prices.

The cost of these projects will not be based on competitive market prices as the term is commonly understood in the construction industry. It will be ‘Fake Competition’. The defenestration of this mainstay of cost management could have unintended cost consequences: out-of-control costs could be in the cards. Since contractors base their estimates on historical data of their work crews’ productivity on previous projects, this unknowable new system will result in a: ‘roulette wheel’ method of estimating’.

Tales of Prop Rep Horror #5 – “Beware the Greeks!”

B.C. Prop Rep fanatics love to wave away the possibility of extremist, fringe parties every gaining seats in the B.C. Legislature.

But it’s a common occurrence in prop rep countries around the world. Take Greece, for example. The birthplace of democracy now has more than 10% of its parliament controlled by the ultranationalist, neo-Nazi Golden Dawn and the ultraleft Communist Party.

Golden Dawn uses swastikas, the Nazi salute, and such charming campaign slogans as, “So we can rid this land of filth.” They generally collect 6 or 7 per cent of the Greek vote, translating into 17-21 seats in the Hellenic Parliament.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party (also known as KKE), gets 5 to 8 per cent of the vote, and 11 to 26 seats. It has even managed to finagle its way into governing coalitions twice.

Prop rep offers no protection against extreme, fringe parties. Let’s not make the mistake Greece has.

Yet another reason to Stop Prop Rep!

Pass this post on to your friends and family – David Eby’s draconian, anti-free speech rules won’t allow us to advertise it, but individuals can spread it as much as they like. Let’s make sure every British Columbian sees it.

And stay tuned for more “Tales of Prop Rep Horror”…

Tales of Prop Rep Horror #4 – “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! NO! NO! NO!”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #3 – “From Russia With Blood”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #2 – “The Pain in Spain”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #1 – “The Puzzle of Brussels”

Tales of Prop Rep Horror #6 – “Indonesian Indecency”

Imagine a “democracy” where one-third of voters sell their votes. That’s what happens in prop rep Indonesia.

“Indonesia’s open-list proportional voting system plays a crucial role in explaining the ubiquity of vote buying,” said an expert. The margins between candidates is so slim that even a small bump in vote buying can put people over the top.

Indonesia has tried two forms of prop rep, and both have been prone to vote buying. Under the previous prop rep system, “there were numerous reports of wealthy candidates purchasing winnable slots on party lists by bribing party leaders.”

Prop rep makes party leaders incredibly powerful, because candidates have to curry their favour – and their favour only – to get on the party lists. Any B.C. Prop Rep activist who claims there will be more freedom for legislators under a new system is lying. Real world experience, including in Indonesia, proves otherwise.

Yet another reason to Stop Prop Rep!

Pass this post on to your friends and family – David Eby’s draconian, anti-free speech rules won’t allow us to advertise it, but individuals can spread it as much as they like. Let’s make sure every British Columbian sees it. 

And stay tuned for more “Tales of Prop Rep Horror”…

Tales of Prop Rep Horror #5 – “Beware the Greeks!”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #4 – “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! NO! NO! NO!”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #3 – “From Russia With Blood”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #2 – “The Pain in Spain”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #1 – “The Puzzle of Brussels”

Kerkhoff Construction – The Next Generation

On behalf of ICBA, a hearty congratulations to life member Bill Kerkhoff on the news that he is stepping back from his role as President and CEO of Kerkhoff Construction, a family company with a 50-year history and an incredible legacy in B.C. construction.

The company announced earlier this month that Bill will take on a new role as Executive Director, and his son Leonard will step up as the new President and CEO. Leonard has been with the company for 12 years, serving the past five as Vice President and General Manager.

“This is an important milestone for Kerkhoff Construction, one that is grounded in the original values, vision and principles that built this company over the past 50 years.” Bill and Leonard said in a joint statement. “We are looking forward to exciting years ahead.”

It is impossible to overstate how important Bill Kerkhoff and his company have been to the open shop movement in B.C. It was Kerkhoff & Sons Construction that built the first major, open shop public project in B.C. – the courthouse in Kamloops. It was Kerkhoff and his allies at Rempel Bros. Concrete who stared down the angry, vicious trade union mob at the Pennyfarthing project in Vancouver. Kerkhoff built a big chunk of Expo 86 and the SkyTrain bridge to Surrey.

In naming his company business of the year in 1984, B.C. Business said Bill had “unleashed forces that even this mildly spoken 34-year-old probably never suspected existed: forces of venom, hate, physical abuse, admiration, stoicism and bewilderment.” Terming him a “reluctant hero”, the magazine said he was “the most redoubtable warrior with which the union movement has had to contend in modern times.”

We’re excited to see what the future holds for Kerkhoff Construction.

TRAINING THURSDAY: Hazard Recognition and Control

Do you know how to recognize hazards in the workplace, and better yet, how to control them? Our Hazard Recognition and Control course on September 13 in Burnaby will give you the required knowledge to understand the principles of hazard recognition and control, as well as the methods used to ensure those hazards are identified and addressed. You’ll also take part in reviewing a number of hazard scenarios and learn how to develop procedures for mitigating the identified hazards.

Here’s what’s covered:

  • The regulatory requirements to identify and assess hazards.
  • Who may do a hazard assessment?
  • How to gather information regarding the hazards of a process?
  • How to conduct interviews with persons familiar with the process being assessed?
  • Developing appropriate conclusions and mitigating factors.
  • Completing the Hazard Assessment Form and develop Safe Work Procedures.

We pride ourselves on our relevant and engaging courses, and this one is no exception. Our instructor, Terry, never fails to impress participants with his knowledge. And, you’ll earn 7.5 Group A CPD Points for this course!

Register for this course or any of our upcoming workshops at

SUBMISSION: ICBA Pushes Back Against Ottawa’s Plans For Steel Tariffs

The following was submitted by ICBA to the federal government, regarding our concerns over B.C.’s steel supply.

By way of background, the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) has been the leading voice of British Columbia’s construction industry for 43 years, representing more than 2,300 members and clients who collectively employ over 50,000 people. ICBA advocates for its members in support of a vibrant construction industry, responsible resource development, and a growing economy for the benefit of all British Columbians.

Together with other national and provincial industry associations, ICBA is writing to express our concern about the potential for “safeguard measures” which would further limit steel imports through tariffs or quotas. We are very concerned that any additional measures to restrict supply, and thereby increase costs, would have profoundly detrimental impacts on the Western Canadian construction industry generally, and British Columbia in particular.

The government’s examination of “safeguard measures”, while somewhat understandable in the context of the current trade dispute with the United States, comes on the heels of a 25 per cent tariff imposed on imports of US steel earlier this summer and previous measures imposed on steel imports from China, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong in 2015. As a result, construction service providers have been on the receiving-end of substantial cost escalations, which, in the final incidence, must be passed onto consumers or absorbed by firms through layoffs or cuts elsewhere in their businesses. It also occurs amidst two long-standing fundamental “supply-side” constraints facing BC-based construction firms sourcing steel and related products:

  • There is no steel mill in British Columbia. In fact, the closest source of steel for BC’s construction industry is a firm in Edmonton, AB which is able to supply only 10 per cent of BC’s demand. It is not in a position to fulfill any further BC requirements; and,
  • Transportation and logistics challenges militate against meeting BC’s demand from Eastern Canadian steel mills. The hard reality is that BC must continue to source its steel from the US, Turkey, and Asian markets. Steel sourced from Eastern Canada typically costs four times more to ship via rail versus sourcing from external markets by ocean freighter.

As your government considers “safeguard measures” in the form of tariffs or quotas, it is important to highlight some key risks inherent in further restricting supply and increasing costs for steel in British Columbia and Western Canada:

  • British Columbia – especially Metro Vancouver, Southern Vancouver Island, and the Central Okanagan – continues to experience robust construction activity. Any further increases to tariffs or restrictions on supply through quotas will drive up costs in areas of our province already facing affordability challenges, especially in housing markets;
  • BC’s position in steel re-manufacturing may already be at a competitive “tipping point” in some cases. The concurrent effects of the high land prices, high marginal effective tax rates (METR) relative to other jurisdictions, increased taxes and regulation, and severe competitive challenges brought about by massive tax reductions south of the border under the US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in late 2017 have compounded an already challenging competitive environment for many firms. Anecdotally, increasingly there are project cancellations (especially in the housing market) and consideration being given by some firms to re-locating operations to Washington and other Western US states;
  • Shortages are already apparent since your government imposed retaliatory tariffs in July, and further measures will impair construction activity planned for Spring 2019, raising concerns about adequacy of supply for projects underway (e.g. Site C Dam) along with those commencing (e.g. Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion), among many others.
  • The federal government plans to undertake significant federal-provincial, shared-cost infrastructure over the next few years including, for example, the Broadway Skytrain extension and Surrey light rail rapid transit projects (among others). “Safeguard measures” for Eastern Canadian steel producers would, therefore, present federal and provincial taxpayers with higher construction material costs; and,
  • Apart from the general effects on a number of resource projects, BC (and Canada) are on the cusp of two potential positive final investment decisions for Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) plants on the West Coast. These projects will transform BC and Western Canada’s natural gas industry by opening up the vast Asia Pacific marketplace to domestic producers, and by reducing Canadian reliance on our traditional – and now saturated – US markets. Ensuring positive FIDs is, therefore, clearly in the national interest. Any “safeguard measures” designed to assist steel producers should carefully account for the “game-changing” importance of BC LNG plants for Western Canadian natural gas exports, job creation, and increased tax revenue for federal and provincial coffers.

A potential solution may be to consider a differentiated approach which continues to allow imported steel products from Asia and elsewhere into the extremely trade-dependent and supply-constrained BC and Western Canada marketplace without further tariffs or quotas, while (perhaps) pursuing safeguard measures “ringfenced” to Eastern Canadian construction markets. This requires further examination.

To conclude, we encourage you and your colleagues to consider two final points:

  1. Your consultation process on further “safeguard measures” for the steel industry – while very welcome – is rushed. We encourage your government to take more time to consider the potential consequences of “safeguard measures” on British Columbia and Western Canada’s resource and construction industries.
  2. Given the critical importance and pressing nature of this issue, we respectfully request a meeting at your earliest convenience with ICBA and other affiliated interests to discuss this matter, especially the importance of ensuring price-competitive access to “rebar” (and other product classes).

On behalf our members, thank you for the opportunity to comment on the critically important issue of whether your government should take further steps to prevent diversion of steel products into Canada through further tariff or quota “safeguard measures”.

While we understand your government is facing challenging NAFTA negotiations and fallout from trade sanctions initiated by the US administration, we are deeply concerned that “safeguard measures”, if implemented, will unduly restrict competitively-priced foreign supplies of steel, drive up costs for construction service providers and consumers, and impair construction activity which is a key driver of BC’s economy.

TRAINING THURSDAY: Cannabis in the Workplace

There are new and significant changes coming regarding the legal status of cannabis, and we want to make sure you know how to handle them! We are pleased to bring a new breakfast session, Cannabis in the Workplace, to Burnaby on September 25.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this informative two-hour session:

  • Learn more about the federal “Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations”.
  • Understand that a “prescription” for cannabis does not give an employee the absolute right to use it in the workplace.
  • Understand your rights when it comes to those in Safety-Sensitive positions.
  • Discuss employee and employer obligations with regard to the use of cannabis.
  • Recognize the rights, responsibilities and risks for both employers and employees to avoid unnecessary litigation.
  • Identify the various ways the use of cannabis impacts the employer-employee relationship, and what you can do about it.
  • Identify what employers should be doing now to prepare for the pending legalization by reviewing their workplace drug and alcohol policies.

We want to help you meet some of the challenges that you’ll face in the coming months, and answer your questions around the use of cannabis in the workplace. Register now at!

Tales of Prop Rep Horror #7: Rise of the Dictators

In the period between World War I and World War II, as people grappled with economic uncertainty, political divisions, and growing populism, 15 European democracies fell into dictatorships: Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Albania, Poland, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Romania, Germany, Austria, Estonia, Latvia and Greece.

These dictators came from all over the political spectrum but they used the same tool to rise to power: proportional representation. As pointed out in The Toronto Star: “No democracy that used first-past-the-post fell to dictatorship during the period.”

These extremists used the flaws of the prop rep system – too many parties, too little leadership – to pressure and eventually overtake mainstream political parties. And given today’s political environment of economic uncertainty, political divisions, and growing populism, there’s nothing to say it couldn’t happen again.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!

Yet another reason to Stop Prop Rep!

Pass this post on to your friends and family – David Eby’s draconian, anti-free speech rules won’t allow us to advertise it, but individuals can spread it as much as they like. Let’s make sure every British Columbian sees it. 

And stay tuned for more “Tales of Prop Rep Horror”…

Tales of Prop Rep Horror #6 – “Indonesian Indecency”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #5 – “Beware the Greeks!”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #4 – “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! NO! NO! NO!”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #3 – “From Russia With Blood”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #2 – “The Pain in Spain”
Tales of Prop Rep Horror #1 – “The Puzzle of Brussels”