WELLNESS WEDNESDAY #55: Building Possibilities with Indigenous Communities - ICBA

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY #55: Building Possibilities with Indigenous Communities

Each week, ICBA’s Jordan Bateman reflects on what we’ve learned as we participate in ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program. This program is free for all ICBA members – check out icba.ca/wellness for details.

As we close out our month on inclusion and diversity, I can’t help but reflect on the relationships ICBA is building with British Columbia’s Indigenous peoples.

Last week, as part of ICBA’s ongoing work with Indigenous communities, we announced the launch of an Indigenous logo design competition, seeking to enhance ICBA’s brand and reflecting the pillars of ICBA while incorporating elements of Indigenous culture.

“ICBA is committed to understanding the history, culture and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada,” said Chris Gardner, ICBA President, when we announced the competition. “ICBA’s Indigenous engagement is grounded on the idea of ‘building possibilities.’ We believe that reconciliation is achieved through real action, by providing opportunities for meaningful, successful, and long-term partnerships.”

We have a long way to go, as we learn more about Indigenous traditions and perspectives. But the Indigenous leaders we have engaged with have been incredibly kind, warm and generous with their time – and we’re grateful to them.

ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program is helping more than 75 companies and 7,000+ construction professionals better understand mental health. The program is free for ICBA members — see icba.ca/wellness.