ICBA NEWS: Two More Reed Awards for our Advocacy Work - ICBA

ICBA NEWS: Two More Reed Awards for our Advocacy Work

Our trophy cabinet here at ICBA is getting full!

Last night in Atlanta, Georgia, ICBA’s Massey Tunnel replacement campaign won two more Reed Awards – for best Canadian Use of Outdoor Advertising, and Best International Use of Outdoor Advertising.

Our winning campaign paired our very successful Massey Tunnel 60th birthday party stunt with a billboard that ran near the tunnel for several weeks. This tied in a major Facebook campaign – including two parody song videos watched 200,000+ times, and a direct mail piece.

Over the past three years, ICBA has won 11 Reed Awards, named after Campaigns & Elections founder and campaign marketing pioneer Stanley Foster Reed, embody excellence in political campaigning, campaign management, political consulting and political design, grassroots & advocacy. Reed Award winners represent the very best the political campaign industry has to offer.

“Getting designated as a Reed Award Finalist is extraordinarily difficult,” said Shane D’Aprile, Co-Publisher, Campaigns & Elections. “Thousands of entries compete, but very few make the cut. That’s how it should be in the most exacting award the campaign industry has. So when you encounter a Reed Award Finalist you know one thing for certain, they produce work that’s head and shoulders above the competition.”

Learn more about our six 2019 Reed Awards HERE.

Learn more about our three 2018 Reed Awards HERE.