TRAINING THURSDAY: Supervisory and Management Skills - ICBA

TRAINING THURSDAY: Supervisory and Management Skills

How are your skills as a supervisor and manager? Could they be better? Our Supervisory and Management Skills workshop in Kamloops December 5 to 6 is just what you need.

Participants will improve their skills in leadership, management and supervision of staff, and learn skills to enhance their ability to build a collaborative team culture with their staff and on job sites.

Here’s what you’ll be able to do by the end of this two-day course:

  • Understand the differences between leadership, management and supervision;
  • Identify different leadership styles and approaches;
  • Apply different leadership styles to deal with various situations;
  • Understand motivational theories – Mazlow, Herzberg, MARS;
  • Enhance individual and group performance and engagement;
  • Understand different personality styles and how to communicate appropriately
  • Effectively manage time
  • Understand stress and how to manage it at work
  • Understand substance abuse, recognition and prevention
  • Conduct a successful toolbox talk
  • Appropriately discipline and/or terminate staff
  • Apply various negotiating skills
  • Deal with difficult people, conflict and confrontation
  • Use collaborative decision-making skills
  • Understand a systems approach to management of construction companies

Plus, you’ll earn 5 Gold Seal Credits and 32 CPD Points from BC Housing!

This course will also take place in Burnaby on February 6 and 7, 2020. Check out for more information and to register for this or any of our other upcoming courses.