IN THE NEWS: ICBA on Trump's NAFTA Posturing - ICBA

IN THE NEWS: ICBA on Trump’s NAFTA Posturing

In a Journal of Commerce piece today, ICBA president Chris Gardner made the case for the North American Free Trade Agreement:

U.S. President Donald Trump has recently indicated he may “blow up” NAFTA, though Canadian and Mexican leaders are playing down his threat.

At the industry level, construction leaders see room for improvement and cause for concern.

“The issue goes to whether Canada has benefited from NAFTA and the reviews are compelling; Canada has long benefited from secure access to our largest market,” said Independent Contractors and Businesses Association president Chris Gardner.

“Renegotiating the agreement is of tremendous importance to Canada and to our economy. If we went back to the old regime, the U.S. picking and choosing would have a significant negative impact on the economy. Protectionism is not the way to go.”