World Suicide Prevention Day - ICBA

World Suicide Prevention Day

Today, September 10, is World Suicide Prevention Day. ICBA Wellness continues our work to break the stigma around mental health and help construction professionals talk openly about issues, including suicidal thoughts. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the construction industry, and we want to help as many people as we can.

It’s important to get help if you or someone you know is going through a crisis or thinking about suicide. You’re not alone!

Warning signs that might suggest someone is at risk of suicide include:

  • thinking or talking about suicide
  • having a plan for suicide

Other signs and behaviours that might suggest that someone is at risk of suicide include:

  • withdrawal from family, friends or activities
  • feeling like you have no purpose in life or reason for living
  • increasing substance use, like drugs, alcohol and inhalants
  • feeling trapped or that there’s no other way out of a situation
  • feeling hopeless about the future or feeling like life will never
  • get better
  • talking about being a burden to someone or about being in unbearable pain
  • anxiety or significant mood changes, such as anger, sadness or helplessness

Talking honestly, responsibly and safely about suicide can help you determine if someone needs help. If you want to help someone in crisis, try:

  • listening and showing concern
  • talking with them and reassuring them that they’re not alone
  • letting them know you care
  • connecting them with a crisis line, counsellor, or trusted person (colleague, neighbour, friend, family member or elder)

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please call the Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 833-456-4566 or Crisis Centre BC at 1-800-784-2433.