TRAINING THURSDAY: An Overview of Tendering Law (Breakfast Session) - ICBA

TRAINING THURSDAY: An Overview of Tendering Law (Breakfast Session)

As a method of procurement, tendering can be fraught with risks. Errors in accepting or evaluating bids can result in legal liability on the part of the tendering authority, or errors in the bid submitted in response to an Invitation to Tender can result in legal liability on the part of the bidder.  The law of tenders is complicated and constantly evolving as the courts and the construction industry adapt to new technology and evolving project delivery methods. Let us help you with our Overview of Tendering Law breakfast session on August 9 in Burnaby!

Here’s the course outline:

  • Introduction to the law of tendering including an overview of:
    • The difference between tenders and RFPs and other procurement methods
    • The bidder’s obligations to the tendering authority
    • The tendering authority’s obligations to the bidder
  • Tendering case law update and discussion of recent decisions
  • Practical tips and advice on key aspects of tendering

Plus, you’ll earn 2.5 CPD Points from BC Housing. Register for this or any of our other upcoming courses at

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