TRAINING THURSDAY: Navigating Human Rights Law (Breakfast Session) - ICBA

TRAINING THURSDAY: Navigating Human Rights Law (Breakfast Session)

What are you doing for breakfast on July 18? Our training department invites you to our next Burnaby breakfast session on Navigating Human Rights Law. 

Do you have an employee requesting human rights accommodation, such as a parent requesting childcare accommodation or an employee requesting accommodation for a physical or mental disability? Which ones should you grant?

What about an employee claiming discrimination on the basis of a protected ground under the Code (age, sex, race, disability, family status, religion, etc.)? Have they filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal? How do you respond to such a complaint? Our breakfast session is here to help you answer these important questions. We know that navigating human rights in the workplace can be complicated, and we want to help you prepare.

Here’s what’s covered:

  • Human rights protections in BC
  • An employer’s legal obligations
  • When to accommodate
  • When and how to investigate a human rights complaint
  • How to respond to a human rights complaint filed with the Tribunal

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