TRAINING THURSDAY: Negotiation Skills Workshop - ICBA

TRAINING THURSDAY: Negotiation Skills Workshop

In life and in business, few people get what they deserve. Instead, they get what they negotiate. Could you be a better negotiator? Our Negotiation Skills Workshop is here to help! You’ll learn a proven, practical step-by-step approach to win-win negotiations and how to protect yourself from “hardball” negotiators.

Here’s what the course covers:

– The most common negotiating mistakes people make and how to avoid them
– Understanding the difference between Collaborative “win-win” and Competitive “hardball” negotiations and how to know what game you are playing
– The characteristics of highly effective negotiators
– Understanding the different sources of negotiating power
– How to strengthen your bargaining position
– How to create an open communication flow that allows you to deeply understand the other party
– The 5-step process to quickly and effectively plan and prepare for your negotiations
– How to determine your “walk-away point”
– How to defend yourself against “hardball’ negotiators
– How to counter the 5 common manipulative strategies being used against you
– How to create win – win outcomes that ensure the other party lives up to their end of the bargain

You’ll also earn 1 Gold Seal Credit and 7 Group A CPD Points from BC Housing.

We have several sessions coming up, including in Kelowna on July 26, Burnaby on August 22, Victoria on August 28, and Prince George on November 5. You can register for any of these sessions, or any other ICBA training course, at We look forward to having you!