ICBA Chief Economist Jock Finlayson researches and analyzes the vital economic data you need to know to grow your construction business.
Jock's Top Story
There appears to be a widespread view in some political, policy and academic circles that the economy is undergoing a fundamental and rapid transition, one driven by mounting worries over global warming and intensifying pressure to reduce the environmental impact of industrial and other forms of human activity. According to Canada’s leading environmental advocacy organizations, the economy is being refashioned by the dramatic growth of “clean/green” industries and an accelerating shift away from fossil fuels. This belief is reflected in the B.C. government’s energy, industrial development and climate change policies, notably the NDP’s signature (and very costly) CleanBC Plan. It also resonates in Justin Trudeau’s Ottawa, where policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and massive subsidies for industries deemed to fit the “green” label have been all the rage in the past several years.
This situation invites us to think further about the emerging “clean/green” economy. There are definitional uncertainties and some data limitations when studying this still-nascent sector. Fortunately, Statistics Canada’s annual environmental and clean technology account provides an excellent starting point for measuring the size, composition and growth of the clean/green economy.
It’s important to note that the clean/green sector is not directly captured by the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), which statisticians in the U.S. and Canada use to collect and organize data on production (or “output”) by the industries that make up the economy. Instead, statisticians and economic researchers must estimate the size of the clean/green economy by determining the contributions (value-added) made by an array of sub-industries whose output is judged to warrant inclusion in the sector……
What Chris and Jock are reading:
RBC’s Thought Leadership Group offers seven ways to fix Canada’s housing shortage. Lots of great ideas in here, including getting government out of the way by cutting taxes and expensive red tape.
ICBA's Construction Monitor
June 2024
Weak research and development investment – largely caused by high taxation and government policies seemingly designed to discourage investment and innovation – is causing sluggish productivity growth, says the June 2024 edition of The Construction Monitor, published by the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association.
Up until 2000, Canada achieved productivity growth rates above or roughly comparable to those in the U.S., but the country has been consistently falling behind since then.
“We are witnessing Canada’s long, slow decline. On productivity growth and many other measures of well-being and competitiveness, Canada is coming up short among its global peers,” wrote ICBA President Chris Gardner in his introduction to The Construction Monitor. “Why does productivity matter? Because the more Canadian firms innovate, the more they spend on upskilling their people and on adopting new technology, the more profitable they are and the more they can increase the size of paycheques for workers.”
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About Jock Finlayson
Jock Finlayson is Chief Economist for the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA), Canada’s largest construction association. He is the first Chief Economist in ICBA’s 50-year history. Analyzing industry trends, market conditions, and economic factors to provide insights and forecasts relevant to the construction sector, he advises ICBA and its members on developments in the business and policy environment affecting the construction sector and the broader economy and assists in strategic planning and public policy advocacy.
Previously, Mr. Finlayson served as Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer at the Business Council of British Columbia. In that capacity, he directed the Business Council’s work on economic, fiscal, tax, environmental, regulatory, and human capital issues of interest to the largest employers in the province and the wider business community.
Prior to returning to B.C. in 1994, Mr. Finlayson was Vice President of Research at the Business Council of Canada, a leading business association in Ottawa.
Mr. Finlayson holds a master’s degree in business from Yale University, undergraduate and M.A. degrees from UBC, and an honorary Doctor of Laws from Royal Roads University.
He is the author/coauthor of two books and more than 50 published articles, book chapters and monographs. A frequent commentator on economic, business, and public policy issues, Mr. Finlayson writes regularly for Business in Vancouver, the Globe and Mail, The Orca, Black Press, Troy Media, and Postmedia.
From 2007 to 2013, Mr. Finlayson was a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Canada, where he chaired the Corporate Governance Committee and the Fellowship Committee and served on both the Pension Committee and the Human Resources Committee. He is a past member of the National Statistics Council, the principal advisory body to the Chief Statistician of Canada, and previously sat on the Boards of the Institute for Research on Public Policy, the Canada West Foundation, and Genome BC. From 2019 to 2021, he was a member of the Expert Panel on Housing Supply and Affordability jointly appointed by the B.C. and federal governments.
Mr. Finlayson is a Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute, a Fellow of Royal Roads University, and past president of both the Association of Professional Economists of B.C. and the Ottawa Economics Association. He resides in West Vancouver with his wife Marlene.