January 2018 - Page 2 of 2 - ICBA

SUBMISSION: ICBA Defends Professional Reliance Model

The NDP Government is currently reviewing the professional reliance model, which uses expertise outside government to vet and critique various projects. ICBA made a submission on behalf of our members, defending the current way this work is done. Here is an excerpt:

In our view, B.C.’s professional reliance system is not broken. Many professional disciplines are engaged in providing professional reliance, and overall ICBA believes this approach has generally served B.C. well. In a province as rich and diverse as ours’, the professional reliance model allows government and industry to source expertise — across many disciplines and both domestic and international – suited to specific technical considerations as needed on a project-by-project basis. The result is a review framework that is both rigorous and robust.

It is also important to understand that professional reliance is not a “one-way street” in which government decision-making has somehow devolved to qualified professionals. Rather, government always retains responsibility for setting legislative goals (and cascading regulation, policy and guidelines), and inspecting, reviewing and monitoring for desired outcomes in the public interest. Statutory decision making – including approvals and permitting – are the final steps in the project-development process. Flexibility provided by the professional reliance model allows government and proponents to source highly qualified professionals with specific on-the-ground expertise for which they are then accountable to their governing professional body. Self-governing professional organizations are an important aspect of making modern, responsive regulatory regimes function. Professional associations – with appropriate government consultation and oversight – are generally best-placed to determine where improvements are required within their respective “communities of practice”.

Our full submission to the review panel can be found HERE.

NEWS RELEASE: ICBA Calls on Ottawa to Overturn B.C.’s Latest Pipeline Stall Tactic

BURNABY, B.C.: The B.C. Government’s latest attempt to stall the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project should be outright rejected by federal authorities, says the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association.

The provincial government announced today it has formed a committee to look at environmental impacts of pipelines – work that has already been covered during the Trans Mountain approval process, and despite millions of tax dollars already being invested in spill response. The pipeline was approved nearly two years ago with 194 environmental and legal conditions that Kinder Morgan is obligated to meet.

“It’s time to get to work on this project. This pipeline is in the national interest, which is why the federal cabinet approved it in the first place,” said ICBA president Chris Gardner. “All of the issues raised by Minster Heyman today have been previously addressed in the 29-month-long Trans Mountain approval process undertaken by the federal government, and endorsed by the provincial government. This is simply a stall tactic meant to flout the federal government’s jurisdiction. It’s time for Prime Minister Trudeau to act.”

Gardner called on the federal government and National Energy Board to reject B.C.’s stall tactics and allow construction to proceed on this vital $7.4 billion energy project.

“When it comes to attracting investment to B.C., the provincial government is speaking out of both sides of its mouth,” said Gardner. “In one breath, they’re in Asia, claiming that B.C. is open for business and is a safe, predictable place to invest. In the next, they’re putting road blocks in front of duly-approved energy projects and undermining investor confidence.”

ICBA will be launching an email campaign through its Get2Yes web platform to encourage Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr to push back against the B.C. Government’s overreach and stall tactics.

“Canada and B.C. cannot afford to have governments finding ways to use red tape to try and choke out properly approved infrastructure projects,” said Gardner. “We do not believe the province has this authority, and we call on the federal government to act again in the national interest to move this project forward without further delay.”

IN THE NEWS: ICBA Stands Up For Trans Mountain Construction Jobs

Yesterday, the B.C. Government announced it would wildly exceed it jurisdictional powers and placed a moratorium on construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline project, using a fake committee to stall it. We’ve been busy making the case against the NDP’s reckless action. See our news release HERE.

Here’s ICBA President on last night’s Global BC News Hour:

Other clips:

Our own Jordan Bateman has also done a Facebook video explaining the ramifications of the NDP’s decision – and the cost to taxpayers. Watch it here:

And for a quick reminder of all the social good a pipeline provides, watch this:

POLICY: ICBA’s Submission to the MSP Premium Task Force

The NDP Government has struck a panel to find ways to replace the Medical Services Premium tax, which the government has promised to eliminate by 2021.

ICBA has made a submission to that panel, calling for “a combined approach which would trim existing government programs and dedicate completely new anticipated revenue streams (e.g. government ‘mark-up’ and taxation revenue from cannabis) to off-set MSP premium reductions.”

See our full submission HERE.